CSR, Quality,Environment, Health and Safety
Coporate Social Responsibility
MAETEL has the public recognition of the initiatives and good practices in Social Responsibility and Sustainability, having been awarded the Seals of Social Responsibility of aragon in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.
In 2019, MAETEL receives the Social Responsibility Seal of Aragon 2020, which seeks to encourage organisations that hold this Seal to deepen in key aspects of Corporate Social Responsibility. Thus, MAETEL fulfills one of the main objectives set in the 2017 report.

MAETEL's policy is demanding and proactive in relation to the preservation of the environment. The company is committed to a reponsible industrial development that makes a rational use of resources.
This is why the Environmental Management System has been implemented and certified, under the ISO 14001:2015 standard, which guarantees compliance with the objectives set out in the environmental policy and respects all the limits established by the legislation. In this way, pollution prevention is integrated into all areas of our management, with a commitment to the continuous improvement of our environmental performance. To this end, environmental performance indicators are established and perodically reviewed.
MAETEL is committed to quality as a corporate foundation that affects both the activity of all employees and the service provided in its business areas.
The rigorous control and monitoring of our continuous improvement programs has made MAETEL the creditor of a management system certified with the UNE in ISO 9001:2015 since 2002 and the management processes, in accordance with quality requirements that frame the company's commitment to offer highly competitive quality standards in favor of its customers.
MAETEL's policy in this area is firmly based on a permanent practice of knowledge dissemination, training, awareness and participation of all human resources in achieving the objectives set by the organization.
The Health and Safety of people is considered a key and strategic factor in the development of the activities of our organization. Therefore, MAETEL has implemented an Occupational Health and Safety Management System in accordance with the international standard ISO 45001:2018.
Our Health and Safety Policy reflects the commitments that all members of MAETEL must assume and share.
MAETEL's main objective is the prevention of injuries and damage not only to its members, but also to those of the collaborating companies. Our desire to be a benchmark in health and safety protection is reflected in our effort to maintain the highest standards in each of our activities.
MAETEL has an absolute commitment to Health and Safety and maintains the determination to promote and consolidate an authentic Safety Culture, in all activities, regardless of where in the world it develops them. This commitment extends to our employees, suppliers, contractors, collaborating companies and customers.
ISO 45001:2018 Stop Work Policy Health and Safety Policy